My First Fashion and Beauty Photography Workshop

Back in October of 2013 I held my very first Fashion Photography Workshop here in Edmonton, Canada. It was a brand new experience for me and I was nervous as hell. For months leading up to the event, I ended up doing  so much research on workshops it made my head spin.

I had planned for 4 models (double the usual at a workshop) and each model had 3 looks each. I really wanted people to leave with portfolio worthy images. Because of the extensive planning, I worried a LOT!

deanna maye

Deanna Mae Photography

A few days before the workshop I barely slept. I tossed and turned and dreamt of all my students, sitting there staring at me. Wondering if I would make sense to them, if they would feel that it was worth attending, It made me even more nervous to know that most of them came in from either the United States, International or other cities within Canada. I thought, wow! They actually traveled to come see me?!!


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I was also worried about my models, my team, the location, will they get they get the food and drinks right? What if my models are late? What if my team doesn’t show up?! What If my slideshow goes wonky? What if they all think I am off my rocker when they meet me? Blah Blah Blah.


Danielle Germain Photography

It was all very nerve racking. Luckily the folks at CLPC helped me through the entire process. They were there with me from the start and it made everything so much easier.



Angela Luci Photography

Once the workshop began and about an hour into it, everything started to flow, I wasn’t as nervous anymore, everyone showed up on time, my students were attentive and I could see by the looks in their faces I was actually keeping their attention. Ha!



Ian Ray Ray Photography

Its an experience I will NEVER EVER forget. It was my first Fashion Photography Workshop and was so overwhelming.

Once the workshop was over, I was pretty surprised that each and every one of them came up to me one by one letting me know how much they enjoyed it and that they actually did learn a lot. Not too shabby for my first workshop. I didn’t know I had it in me to go through with it.


Fritz Tolentino

It took a couple years of other photographers trying to convince me to start teaching. Im so glad I did ! It was an amazing learning experience for me well and I am excited to continue with future workshops.


Fritz Tolentino


Amanda Diaz